Our individual courses are university level courses that train and equip students to excell in their calling and purpose.
These courses presented are intended for anyone who is interested in maturing in their walk with Christ and training in the Supernatural power of God.
Available courses are:
SUP 250 How to walk in the Supernatural Power of God I
PMI 120 Formation of the Character and Ministry of a Leader I
PMI 220 Transformation by the Renewing of the Mind
SUP 210 Inner Healing and Deliverance
BRV 101 Old Testament 1
PMI 330 Counseling, Pastoral Care, and Love
SUP 110 Revelation and Power of the Resurrection of Jesus
BRV 420 The End Times and The Book of Revelation
Registration cost per course is $99
Contact us: (305) 398-7969 * university@kingjesusministry.org * KJU.org