Leave Request Form

Please complete this form if you will be out of the building for an extended time (i.e. sick leave, Administrative Leave, Field Trip or Professional Development).
Once the Leave Request Form has been completed it will be approved by the Principal.  After approval, your leave will be added to the Faculty Google Calendar and an email will be sent letting you know your leave was approved.
When completing the form below all required fields must be completed.  If the field does not pertain to you then type "None" or "NA".
For the "Type of Absence Requested" section select "Other" if the specific type is not in that section.  Then make your selection from the next section "Other Absence".
If the "As appropriate, please be sure to prepare and provide hard copies of the following:" section does not pertain to your absence, select "Other".
If you have questions, please email schooloffice@stsashburn.com.
Type of Absence Requested (Must be entered into your DayForce as Time Away): *
Other Absence (Teachers - Don't enter into DayForce)
Substitute Information and Instructions:
As appropriate, please be sure to prepare and provide hard copies of the following: *
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