Class Details

Registration Deadline: Monday, September 9


Programs Available

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd | Level 1 and Level 2

Registration for CGS is a separate form, which can be found on the parish website.

Elementary Faith Formation | Grades K-5

Includes preparation for Reconciliation and First Eucharist
Wednesdays from 6:00-7:15 p.m.


Middle School Faith Formation | Grades 6-8
Wednesdays from 6:00-7:15 p.m.


High School Faith Formation | Grades 9-11
Includes Confirmation preparation
Two options to choose from: Sundays OR Wednesdays from 7:30-8:45 p.m.


Discipleship Group | Grade 12
Sundays from 7:30-9:00 p.m.



The Faces of St. Joseph's Faith Formation

Kate Haugrud

Coordinator of Children's Faith Formation (Ages 3-Grade 5) | (218) 284-6230


Melissa Hund-Cerna

Coordinator of Youth Faith Formation & Youth Ministry (Grades 6-12) | (218) 284-6229

Registration Fees and Payments
St. Joseph’s Parish is able to offer a variety of faith formation opportunities for preschool through high school age students thanks to the faithful stewardship of our parishioners. Our registration fees do not cover the faith formation budget, which is subsidized by our parishioners through the weekly and monthly adult offertory. Registration is $75 per child. This amount means each class is less than $3! 
If your family is experiencing a financial hardship, please call or email Kate or Melissa in the parish office. Please wait to register until you hear back from one of them.
We look forward to continuing the mission of St. Joseph’s Parish as we gather to encounter Jesus Christ in Word and Sacrament and are sent forth strengthened to be the Body of Christ to the world.

Household Info

To which parish do you belong? *

Child(ren) live(s) with: *
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