The information you provide in this form will be secure. We use the same secure technology that every other site uses to transmit sensitive data with industry standard SSL encrypted certificates.

Family Information


Student Information

Full-Time Monthly Payment Options: (Elementary - 4-5, Above 5 extra; High School 4-6, Above 6 extra)

Quantity: Monthly
Quantity: Quarterly
Quantity: Semester

Part-Time or Extra Course Monthly Payment Options:

Select number of single/extra courses:
Quantity: Full-year course
Quantity: Semester course

Credit Card Recurring Payment Option:


Completion of this form authorizes payment and committment to Odyssey Academy according to the installment terms selected above.  Full-year enrollment requires 10 monthly installments; half-year enrollment requires five.   This  may be adjusted based upon enrollment date and number of courses. ALL INSTALLMENTS WILL BE CHARGED TO YOUR CREDIT CARD or DEBITED FROM YOUR BANK ACCOUNT, if your debit card has a credit card emblem.  You are authorizing payments for all remaining deferred payments to be debited on the scheduled monthly date chosen below.
Debit or credit cards must not expire before the term of this contract i.e. August 2014.

Withdrawal Policy:
Withdrawal still requires full payment through the end of the semester in which the student withdraws.  For example, your student begins in September and withdraws in November.  You have obligated payment for all monthly payments for the entire semester.

Odyssey Academy reserves the right to disable student access should any of your payments be declined. Access will remain disabled until payment arrangements are made.
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