MDIV or MATS/Master of Social Work Application

Preferred Phone Number *
Do you have any materials under another name? *
Gender *

Personal Information - Citizenship Status

Citizenship Status *
Do you hold a VISA? *
Is this VISA current and valid?
Does this VISA permit you to work?
Are you a Veteran? *

Background Information

Has disciplinary action, in writing, of any sort ever been taken against you by a supervisor, educational or training institution, health care institution, professional association, or licensing/certification board? *
0/500 words
Are there any complaints currently pending against you before any of the above bodies? *
0/500 words
Has there ever been a decision in a civil suit rendered against you relative to your professional work, or is any such action pending? *
0/500 words
Have you ever been put on probation, suspended, terminated, or asked to resign by a graduate or internship program, practicum site, or employer? *
0/500 words
Have you ever been convicted of a felony? *
0/500 words
Have you ever been convicted of a misdemeanor? *
0/500 words

Degree Information

Degree Status: *

Resume and Personal Statement - Please include Honors, Awards, Sports & Extracurricular Activities, Certifications, Work Experience and Volunteer Experience in your resume and upload one document.

Application Certification

0/500 characters
I certify that all the information and statements I have provided in this application are correct and complete. I certify that the personal statement(s) submitted with this application is/are my original works. I further certify that all information submitted on my behalf, including letters of recommendation, is authentic. I understand that it is my obligation to provide true and complete answers to all questions. *
I understand that withholding pertinent information or giving false information on this application will be cause for denial of admission to the Samford University College of Health Sciences, withdrawal of any offer of admission, cancellation of registration, expulsion from the program, or revocation of my degree.  I understand that I have an ongoing obligation to inform the Enrollment Management Office in the College of Health Sciences of any changed circumstances within 30 days of my first notice of such events. *
I realize that the institution reserves the right to withdraw an offer of admission if I fail to maintain satisfactory scholastic standing for work in progress or if final records fail to show completion of courses and/or degree required for admission. *

Applicant's Electronic Signature


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