Fundraiser Policy

1. Fundraiser’s will only be approved for First Assembly of God Mission trips. Not for activities or events.

2. Using the church data base for a mailing list, e-mail list, or call list for personal fundraising or any other reasons except church related business is prohibited.

3. Emails, letters, phone calls or text messages to First Assembly's congregation are prohibited. These can be given to your personal family and friends. We encourage you to send them to people outside of the congregation.

4. Forms are to be filled out 2 months prior to fundraiser and must be approved by the Pastor. 

5. The only fundraisers that may be held on site (church property) are mission benefit dinners/luncheons. Any other fundraiser will need to be held off site.

6. Only one fundraising event will occur on church property each month, on the whole.

Example: There are two missions teams that are raising funds for a summer missions trip. One mission team is going to Alabama, the other is Russia. Both want to do a dinner/luncheon (on church property).  If the mission team to Alabama is approved to have their fundraising dinner in May, the mission team going to Russia will either have to have their fundraising dinner/luncheon in April or July. Only one mission dinner/luncheon fundraiser will be approved to occur on church property each month.

This will allow for each mission fundraiser to be promoted in bulletin, encouraged from the platform and will not become taxing to our people, but create healthy opportunities to give.

By checking the box below I agree that I have read, understand, and will abide by the Fundraising Policies at First Assembly.

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