a. The decision to authorize the use of Jurisdictional Lands requires a determination that such use is not contrary to the public interest, except for lands within Aquatic Resource Protection Areas, in which case it must be determined that the use is in the public interest. In all cases it will be in the responsibility of the applicant to provide evidence as to the public interest impact of the proposed activity or use.
b. The public interest determination requires an evaluation of the probable impacts of the proposed activity on Jurisdictional Lands and the associate water body. All direct and indirect impacts related to the proposed activity as well as the cumulative effects of those impacts shall be taken into consideration. Relevant factors to be considered include: conservation, general environmental and natural resource concerns, wetlands values, cultural values, fish and wildlife values, flood hazards, floodplain values, land use, navigation, shore erosion and accretion, recreation, water supply and conservation, water quality, aesthetics, economics, public health and safety, relative extent of the public need for the proposed use or activity, reasonable alternative locations and methods to accomplish the objective of the proposed use or activity, potential detrimental effects on the public uses to which the area is otherwise suited, the effect on cultural, scenic and recreational values, and the needs and welfare of the people.