Welcome to Girlfriends Who Inspire Change (GWIC) Women's Table Talks! Here is a space where every woman's voice is valued and every woman is accepted. Please be advised that we have changed our table talk platform. There are seven online sessions and three in-person networking events. The event is complimentary (free) to the public except for the in-person networking events. 
Please complete the form below to register for the upcoming Women's Table Talks. The platform provides a safe space for women to discuss their shared interests openly. We are a group of women dedicated to solving local and global problems, and your voice is crucial in this journey. 
GWIC does not host Women's Table Talks in November and December. We thank you in advance for your support! 

Please note: The event is online or in-person; registration is required. A meeting link will be sent from the following email address: 

Disclaimer: We will send a cancellation email if registration is less then five participants. You are already sacrificing your Saturdays for us; enjoy it.

Will you bring a guest to the event? *
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