Volunteer for VBS!

Desert Cross Lutheran Church
June 9th - 13th

General Information

This year's VBS theme is "True North, Trusting God in a Wild World!"  We need a huge crew to help our kids on this faith building week that will be paws-itively amazing...can we count on you? 

We are looking for a lot of volunteers to make this VBS successful!  Are you feeling creative and love to do experiments?  Perhaps Imagination Station is the place for you.  Are you active and quick on your feet?  Glacier Games
, the recreational part of VBS would be a great fit!  If bringing the Bible to life is your idea of fun - Wild Bible Adventrures is the place for you.  Food is your passion? Tundra Treats will be your spot.  Do you like movies?  Then you might want to help out in Sticky Scriptures.
Want to be a part of it ALL?  Then Crew Leader is for you!  Crew Leaders have the privelage of caring for a group of our youth for the whole week, making their time at VBS a memobrable experience.  Kids who are entering 6th and 7th grade can be Jr. Crew Leaders. 
We will also need some volunteers to help at our VBS decorating parties in order to create our set.

If you are interested in helping...Hooray!  Please fill out the form below and submit it.  Then Shannon Fossett will contact you with more information.  Thanks for your time and willingness to serve!  We can "bearly" wait for all the fun!

Volunteer Information

I have helped at DCLC VBS before? *

True North VBS Opportunities

I want to help with...  (you can check more than one that you are interested in!) *