Mauro Martignoni & Divisional Awards

DEADLINE:  April 15, 2025

Division to review application *
Alternative division choice (in the case your first division choice application number is filled) *

Important-Must Accompany Application

All information can be uploaded using this form. In case of questions, please contact:

Note: All documents must be uploaded as one PDF file.  Please upload your file here.

Required Documents

1. A letter from you supervisor providing:
     *  A recommendation
     *  Verification of your student status
     *  Confirmation that the research presented was conducted by you (if you are 
         not listed as the first author of the abstract you submit, your supervisor
         must explain your specific role in the research and how you have met this
2. Curriculum vitae
        This should include your name, address, institution, earned degrees, current 
        degree program, honors and awards, research experience, and a list of
        publications and previous presentations.
3. A short biographical sketch
        This should include a short biographical sketch and description of scientific 
        interests and goals.
4. Abstract
        The body of the abstract should be 200 words or less, as submitted for the
        program. The abstract should provide a summary of your presentation. The
        title, authors, and affiliations and presentation category (oral or poster) 
        should be clearly indicated. Your research contribution represents one of the 
        most important selection criteria. Therefore, the abstract should be crafted
        with care, succinctly describing the research rationale, any unusual or novel
        methods, and the principal results. An explanation of the significance of the
        research findings should be offered in conclusion, based on interpretation of
        the results.
5. Methods
        Brief description of experimental and analytical methods employed in 
        conducting the research reported in the presentation abstract.

Please note:

Submitting an award application does not serve to place your name on the program. To do this, you MUST also submit your abstract to the meeting organizers as specifically instructed on the meeting website.

If you wish to participate in the student paper/poster competition at the SIP meeting (your presentations will be judged by a jury), be sure to check the "student competition" box on the registration form.

Please email additional information to: