2025 Scholarship Application

Thank you for your interest in applying for the Florida Attractions Scholarship Foundation (FASF) 2025 Scholarship.  Scholarship applications will be accepted beginning February 1, 2025. The application period closes on February 28, 2025 at 11:59pm.


This form will not allow you to begin the application, save it, and return later to complete it.

You will receive a confirmation email once your application is properly completed and submitted.

Before beginning this application, please review our eligibility, selection criteria and submission information and our 2025 Scholarship Application Worksheet.

You must upload the following 2 documents at the end of the online application in order for your application to be considered.  These files should be named "FirstName.LastName.Resume.PDF" and "FirstName.LastName.Reference.PDF" respectively.

  1. A resume outlining your academic achievements, internships, employment and community service.
  1. A letter of reference from a professor, advisor, employer, volunteer coordinator, cleric or mentor attesting to your work ethic, core values, service involvement, leadership abilities, or any other personal qualities.  This letter must include the contact information (email address and/or telephone number) of the individual providing the letter to you. 

By applying for this scholarship, if selected as a recipient, you agree to:

  1. Submit to us images of yourself (headshots and in workplace) to advise FAA members of your selection as a recipient of a scholarship
  2. Grant permission for the use of images of you, including on our website and social media platforms, in accordance with our stated terms of service and privacy policy
  3. Submit a written thank you to be shared with members of the FAA – the funding source of the scholarship
  4. Submit a video testimony (on our video capture platform) to thank FAA members and share with them how your scholarship will help you achieve your educational and career aspirations.