Thank you for your interest to volunteer at
Backpack Giveaway 2023! 
Please read through these details to sign up and serve with us :) 
1. We ask that all who would like to serve attend the All Volunteer Meeting. We will share logistics, you will connect with your team lead, and hear our heart for the event. 
All Volunteer Meeting
Tuesday, August 8th 2023
6:30 PM
Bethel Twin View Campus-Sanctuary
936 Twin View Blvd.
2. Children 0-14 need a parent with them at all times to volunteer. Please follow the instructions to register children to serve with you and choose the slots that say CHILD FRIENDLY TEAM. The area that you sign up for will be the area they serve in. Children that volunteer will not receive a backpack. Backpacks are reserved for our guests who registered. If there are backpacks leftover we will create a volunteer line at the event. 
3. Teenagers 15+ can volunteer by themselves, follow the registration prompts to register them as a family. 
4. We ask that if you register to volunteer you attend. Please only cancel if a emergency arises and find someone to cover your shift. 
If you have any questions please email or call/text 530-319-5266. 
How are you connected to Bethel Redding? *