To be eligible to serve as a Director, prospective candidates must meet the following requirements:
Be involved in a farming operation and reside or farm within chartered territory of the Association.
- Own at least one share of AgCountry Class B Risk Stock and be the authorized voting stockholder or the authorized voting representative on record with AgCountry.
- NOT have an Association loan classified as Substandard, Doubtful or Loss Loan.
- NOT a director, officer, employee or agent of any Farm Credit System institution (other than AgCountry) or FCA within the previous year from the election date.
- NOT a director, officer, employee or agent for any other financial institution or entity that is authorized to offer the same type loans, leases or financially related services as AgCountry, including tax, farm accounting and records, insurance and succession and retirement planning.
- NOT have attended a meeting as a member of the Nominating Committee in the same election cycle.
Important note: Please submit Candidate Interest forms by January 31st, 2024, for consideration by the Nominating Committee for the 2024 election.