Magazine Advertisement Form

The Wisconsin Sheriff & Deputy Magazine is published annually by the Wisconsin Sheriffs and Deputy Sheriffs Association

(WS&DSA), an association of over 1,100 active and retired Sheriffs, Deputies and Jail Administrators in the state of Wisconsin.

The publisher reserves the right to refuse any advertisement, which in his/her opinion does not serve the best interests of the Association.

All advertising must meet the established requirements for publication shown on the requirements section on the next page. Placement may be requested, but is not guaranteed. Advertising cancellations must be submitted in writing to the publisher prior to the deadline. Cancellations will not be accepted after the closing deadline.

Ad Sizes *

*Please submit all ads as high-resolution or print quality .pdf files either by uploading below or email to

Mechanical Requirements

All ads must be submitted electronically below or via email. The Wisconsin Sheriff & Deputy Magazine is designed on a Macintosh platform. Accepted software: print quality PDF files (preferred), Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop and InDesign. Fonts and linked graphics must be included with electronic files. Minimum 300 dpi on graphics and photos. Ads not supplied properly may incur additional charges. Ads not sized properly will be scaled proportionately to fit.

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