Focus, Inc. Employee Survey

How do you feel about your current position? *
 Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutralDisagreeStrongly Disagree
I received adequate training for my current position
I have the skills necessary to fulfill all of my current responsibilities
I am given the time necessary to fulfill all of my current responsibilities
The hours I am required to work are fair and appropriate
My current position is secure
My work is appreciated
How do you feel about your opportunities for advancement? *
 Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutralDisagreeStrongly Disagree
There is room for advancement in this company for employees at my level
I know what skills I need to continue advancing
I have the opportunity to learn the skills I need to continue advancing
The criteria for promotion has been clearly defined
If I meet the criteria for promotion I will be fairly considered for advancement
In what skill areas do you still need training in order to continue your advancement? *
How do you feel about your current career progress? *
 Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutralDisagreeStrongly Disagree
I am satisfied with the amount of career progress I have made so far
I am satisfied with the amount of personal progress I have made so far
My salary is appropriate for someone at my level
I feel that I am in control of my career
I plan to continue my career at this company
very dissatisfied
very satisfied
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