We are currently accepting nominations for the following positions:
Vice-President and Secretary
Nominations close November 1, 2024, at 11:59 p.m.
SECTION 2: QUALIFICATIONS All officers must be members of the Texas Association for Bilingual Education and the National Association for Bilingual Education throughout their term as officers.
SECTION 4: NOMINATION AND ELECTION A. Eligible members seeking the office of President-Elect, Vice-President, Secretary, or Treasurer shall notify the TABE office in writing of their intent to run for office. A member may run for office when their membership in TABE for the previous year as well as current membership in the local affiliate has been verified by the TABE office. Nominations shall be received in the TABE office by November 1st. The election of the President-Elect, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer shall be by secret ballot. C. In the event no candidate(s) file(s) for President, Vice-President, Secretary, and/or Treasurer, the Executive Board shall nominate at least one candidate for each office listed above.
D. The Vice-President shall serve as the chair of the Membership Committee, assist the President, and serve as President if the President is absent or temporarily incapacitated and there is no President-Elect on the board, keep and make available an accurate up-to-date list of TABE members, assist in the recruitment, organizing, development and training of local affiliates, carry out the duties associated with the certification/training of delegates prior to and during the House of Delegates at the Annual Conference, review/verify TABE membership, and affiliate membership. The Vice-President shall ensure that affiliates are reimbursed when local dues are paid directly to TABE and submit a written end-of-term report to the House of Delegates at the annual conference.
E. The Secretary shall record, distribute to the Executive Board, and transmit to the TABE office, the minutes of each Executive Board meeting and the House of Delegates meeting. The secretary shall submit a written end-of term report to the House of Delegates at the annual conference.
To read the full TABE Constitution, click HERE.
Is this a self-nomination? *
Are you a current local Affiliate board member? *
Are you a current TABE member? *

Is the nominee a current local Affiliate board member? *
Is the nominee a current TABE member? *
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