By providing your credit card information below you acknowledge you have read the below "SafeRide Customer Acknowledgement and Agreement" and agree to its terms.
SafeRide Customer Acknowledgement and Agreement
(1) The undersigned customer gives permission to SafeRide America staff/contractors/volunteers to drive and operate his/her vehicle(s).
(2) The undersigned customer agrees to be fully and solely responsible for securing his/her vehicle(s) upon delivery of vehicle to his/her residence, including securing the contents of said vehicle(s).
(3) The undersigned customer understands, acknowledges and agrees that SafeRide America and its staff/contractors/volunteers are not responsible for any damage to his/her vehicle(s) or for any lost or missing items from his/her vehicle(s).
(4) The undersigned client confirms that he/she has insurance coverage compliant with the laws of the state in which service is provided on his/her vehicle and agrees to hold SafeRide America and its staff/contractors/volunteers harmless for any damage that may be caused to said vehicle(s).
As noted by providing my credit card information below, I accept the above terms.