Enhancing YOUR School Program: Early Bird Group Registration Form 2017-2018

Early Bird Special: Buy 2 spots in the workshop and get the 3rd spot 1/2 off! 
Fill out the group form below and register ALL 3 participants before September 14th to receive the discount. 

Registrant #1

Registrant #2

Registrant #3

Payment Options

The price of the course is $375.00/person + GST x 3 = $1181.25
Total savings of $74/person
Please select one of the following payment options: *
Please make the e-transfer question: "What city is hosting the workshop?" with the response: "Saskatoon"
Cheques can be mailed or delivered to 3706 Taylor Street East, Saskatoon, Sk. S7H 5J3
An email confirming your spots in the workshop along with your receipt and important event information will be sent out immediately after payment has been recieved. 

Optional: Student Volunteer

Two student volunteers are required for the live demonstrations.
If you or someone you know has a child that meets the following requirements and would like to volunteer him/her for this opportunity, please contact me at jenna@howdenslp.ca to make arrangements. 
- The student must be between the ages of 5-10 years old and currently have difficulty producing one or more of the following sounds: /r/, /l/, /k/, /s/
- The student must be available for 1-2 hours on October 3rd or 4th during the day; transportation may be available within Saskatoon if needed. 
- The student must be willing to be observed by 20-25 course participants during a brief therapy session with the speech-language pathologist. Arrangements will be made to build rapport prior to the session and make the student as comfortable as possible.
As a thank-you, the student will receive an informal speech assessment along with the free session. The results of the assessment along with recommendations and strategies will be emailed to the student's family. In addition, you will recieve a $15 gift certificate for Amazon, iTunes or Starbucks.
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