Please select a start date and end date for the time frame you are requesting be verified in your PSLF application. You may submit multiple requests for different time frames, completing this form for each eligible time frame.
Please submit a separate Attestation form and separate PSLF Employment Verification form for each timeframe you seek to verify.
Attestation: For the time periods indicated above, I provided contract services on behalf of the OADC. The average number of hours I provided services per week over the time period for the OADC above is accurate. I hereby certify and attest that the information I have provided is true, complete, and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand and agree that the OADC will rely on this form and the information I provide herein to complete and sign Section 5A of my PSLF Application. I understand that falsification of this attestation form could result in the termination of my OADC contract.