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Your username and password can be used to save and retrieve your work. Save your progress at any time by clicking "Save Progress" on the bottom of each page. Each time you advance to the next page, your work is automatically saved. Click the link in the e-mail you used to access this application to log back in and retrieve your work.  
This application works best in Chrome or Firefox.  Edge users may experience some minor issues with this application. 

C.R.S. 13-10-114.5(3)(a) requires that on and after January 1, 2020, each municipality shall provide independent indigent defense. The OADC can serve as a nonpartisan entity to evaluate court-appointed counsel services to fulfill that statutory requirement.

Pursuant to C.R.S ยง21-2-108(2), any municipality seeking the assistance of the OADC to evaluate the independence and competence of court-appointed counsel must request this assistance by September 1 of each year. For services beginning January 1, 2026, municipalities must complete this form and submit it by September 1, 2024.

If you want OADC evaluation assistance, please submit your request by completing this form electronically no later than September 1, 2024.  If we do not receive this information by September 1, 2024, we will be unable to address personnel and funding issues in our annual budget, resulting in the possibility of not being able to provide attorney evaluation services.

Municipality Information

Is your court a Court of Record? *
Is this municipality a *

Please list below the contact information of the court staff we should contact for any questions regarding your application.