NMCSC Charger KidZone (CKZ)

Enrollment Form

School Year *

Child #1

Who has legal custody of this child?

(Please remember to provide a copy of any custody agreement/decree - if applicable)



Select Weekly Tuition Schedule

(see Parent Handbook for information on monthly tuition plans)

Days of the Week *

Medical Information

Does your student have any of the following?
(Check all that apply)
Are there any modifications or accommodations that would be beneficial to your child? *

Child #2

Who has legal custody of this child?

(Please remember to provide a copy of any custody agreement/decree - if applicable)



Select Weekly Tuition Schedule

(see Parent Handbook for information on monthly tuition plans)

Days of the Week

Medical Information

Does your student have any of the following?
(Check all that apply)
Are there any modifications or accommodations that would be beneficial to your child?

Child #3

Who has legal custody of this child?

(Please remember to provide a copy of any custody agreement/decree - if applicable)



Select Weekly Tuition Schedule

(see Parent Handbook for information on monthly tuition plans)

Days of the Week

Medical Information

Does your student have any of the following?
(Check all that apply)
Are there any modifications or accommodations that would be beneficial to your child?

Child #4

Who has legal custody of this child?

(Please remember to provide a copy of any custody agreement/decree - if applicable)



Select Weekly Tuition Schedule

(see Parent Handbook for information on monthly tuition plans)

Days of the Week

Medical Information

Does your student have any of the following?
(Check all that apply)
Are there any modifications or accommodations that would be beneficial to your child?

Parent/Guardian #1

Check all that apply *
Employee of NMCSC *

Parent/Guardian #2

Check all that apply
Employee of NMCSC

Additional Emergency Contacts & Authorized Pick-Up

Please note for authorized pick-up: must be 18 years or older and ID required!
 Contact #1Contact #2Contact #3
Relationship to child
Cell Phone
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