SPRING 2024: Westhaven Tennis

Tennis clinics are first reserved for Westhaven residents, and/or members of Westhaven Golf Club. If a non-resident or non-member call 615-339-4225 for approval. *
Tennis clinics are reserved for Westhaven residents, and/or members of Westhaven Golf Club. For pro approval (call, 615-339-4225).
What clinics would you like to view? *
What ADULT clinic are you signing up for?

Choose the clinic you would like to sign up for. To sign up for multiple clinics you will need to complete separate forms for each. We apologize for any inconvenience. If a particular clinic is full and has no remaining spaces, SIGN UP FOR THE WAITLIST HERE.

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What KID'S clinic are you signing up for?

Choose the clinic you would like to sign up for. To sign up for multiple clinics you will need to complete separate forms for each. We apologize for any inconvenience. If a particular clinic is full and has no remaining spaces, SIGN UP FOR THE WAITLIST HERE.

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What One-Time Event/Tournament/League are you signing up for?

Choose the event you would like to sign up for. To sign up for multiple clinics you will need to complete separate forms for each. We apologize for any inconvenience. If a particular event is full and has no remaining spaces, SIGN UP FOR THE WAITLIST HERE.

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Participant Information

Tennis Skill Level *

Household / Adult Primary Contact

Relationship to Participant: *


Would you like to purchase any racquet or grip? (Pay now and we will measure the player for the correct racquet at the first clinic).

Program Terms & Conditions

By checking the box below, I agree to the following:

  • Total Payment is due at the beginning of each lesson/clinic series.
  • There is no reimbursement or make-up clinics for missed sessions.
  • Clients arriving late will receive the remaining scheduled session time.
  • In the event of rain, clinic will be rescheduled. 
  • Stay up to date with program information and weather via Facebook, Tennis & Fitness @ Westhaven
  • Harris Life Training has permission to add my email to the newsletter.
  • I give Harris Life Training permission to use my photograph, image, name, and likeness in all forms and media.
  • As a parent or legal guardian, I give Harris Life Training permission to use the minor’s photograph, image, name, and likeness in all forms and media.

Liability Release Form

Harris Life Training is making tennis instructors and trainers available to you in order to provide you (“Participant”) with health related services. By signing below, you acknowledge and agree to the following terms:
I represent that I am physically fit to participate in all activities and that, prior to participation, I have consulted a physician regarding any limitations or medical risks that I may have and I hereby certify that I am free from any such limitations or medical risks. I further agree that performing physical activity involves certain risks. The risks include, but are not limited to, serious bodily injury and death. I also realize the risk of contracting Covid-19 and any other sickness. With full knowledge of the potential of these risks, I voluntarily choose to take part in the all activities and hereby release and waive all claims of liability on behalf of Harris Life Training INC, instructors or trainers acting on behalf of Harris Life Training, Southern Land Company LLC, Westhaven Partners LLC, and the Westhaven Residential District Association INC, regardless of whether such injury or death was due to negligence (of any kind) on the part of Harris Life Training.

I have read the forgoing and understand that by checking the box below, I am giving up certain legal rights and remedies. *
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