2025 ALWS Bat Boy/Bat Girl Applications

The Cleveland County ALWS Baseball committee is once again seeking qualified students to serve as official Bat Girls/Bat Boys at the 2025 American Legion World Series.

Due to the inherent dangers of being on the baseball diamond, all applicants are REQUIRED to be currently playing (2025) in an organized baseball or softball program (Little League, Dixie, City Parks and Rec. program, etc.)

Student must be 10 to 12 years of age as of August 1, 2025. The deadline to apply is April 15, 2025.

Bat kids are determined by a live drawing held on Veterans Field at Keeter Stadium during the Wake Forest vs Appalachian State game on April 29, 2025. There are a total of16 bat kids and 2-4 alternates drawn for these prestigious roles.

 (The Executive Committee reserves the right to appoint two bat kids prior to the drawing) Bat kids are eligible to apply and serve for multiple years if their name is selected, provided they fulfill the age and application criteria.

Child information

Child's Gender *
If your child is in-between sizes or at the upper limit of a size, consider selecting the larger option. While we begin taking applications in January, the helmet and/or jersey you select today will need to fit them in August.

Parent information