About you

Please answer the following questions about yourself.

About INEQE Safeguarding Group

The INEQE Safeguarding Group is a UK company of child protection professionals.

We have been asked to carry out an independent safeguarding review of Aiglon College to make sure the school is doing all it can to create an environment where everyone feels safe, valued and respected.

About This Survey

This survey is both anonymous (we are not seeking to identify you) and confidential. We would like you to be open and honest.

Confidential means that you will not be identified in our report. 

We will only share information if what you tell us indicates a serious risk of harm.  

The survey is divided into 8 sections and will take approximately 25 minutes to complete. We appreciate you taking the time to complete this in-depth survey to help inform the review.


The eight sections are:  

  1. About You
  2. Engagement & Communication
  3. School Culture
  4. Boarding & Houses
  5. Safer Recruitment
  6. Safeguarding
  7. Practice
  8. Scenarios

Please note: where you see this * you will need to complete the question otherwise you will be unable to submit the form.  

What is your gender? *
Please select your ethnic group. *
Please specify *
Please Specify *
Please specify *
Please specify *
Please specify *
Age Group *
How long have you worked for the school? *
How long have you been working in education (including all schools/colleges)? *
Please select which best describes your role(s): Tick all that apply. *
Do you currently have a child or children at the school? *

Engagement & Communication

Please answer the following questions about Aiglon's engagement and communication.

School Culture

The next set of questions asks how you feel about the culture at Aiglon.

How highly would you say Aiglon prioritise each of the following: *
 Not at allSlightlyModeratelyVeryExtremelyDon’t Know
Academic outcomes/grades
Physical Activity
Good attendance and punctuality
Boarding house facilities
To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements *
 Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeutral (neither agree or disagree)AgreeStrongly AgreeDon’t Know
I know where to locate all school policies relevant to my role.
I have a clear understanding of what the school is trying to accomplish.
There is frequent, two-way communication between staff and families.
The school provides the appropriate level of support for children.
The school provides the appropriate level of support for parents.
School staff listen carefully when parents express their opinions and concerns.
Parents are well informed of the progress their child is making in school.
I am aware of who the school's designated members of staff for safeguarding are.
I have read and understood the school's Safeguarding Policy.
The sanctions the school have in place for dealing with inappropriate behaviour by students are clearly communicated to both students and parents.
The sanctions the school have in place for dealing with inappropriate behaviour by students are fair.
The sanctions the school have in place for dealing with inappropriate behaviour by students are consistently applied.
Quality of communication between the school and parents.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements *
 Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeutral (neither agree or disagree)AgreeStrongly AgreeDon’t Know
The school has a clearly defined purpose and mission.
The school's primary emphasis is improving student learning.
The school environment helps the learning process.
Students respect those who are different from them.
The school gives students opportunities to make positive contributions to the community outside of the school.
The staff in the school show respect for all students.
Discipline problems are handled fairly.
School leaders act fairly and with integrity.
Students at the school respect the staff.
The teachers and other staff show respect for each other.
School leaders show they care about all students.
The staff in the school work well together.
Staff at Aiglon have good relationships with parents of the students.
The students have good relationships with each other whilst in school.
The school is well led and managed.
The school values diversity.

Boarding and Houses

Please answer the following questions about how Aiglon meets students' needs.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements *
 Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeutral (neither agree or disagree)AgreeStrongly AgreeDon’t Know
House staff understand the developmental needs of students.
House staff show compassion and a caring attitude towards students.
House staff listen to the complaints and problems of students.
House staff act as role models to students.
House staff take real interest in students' futures.
House staff are available to handle any emergency.
House staff act fairly in dealing with inappropriate behaviour and applying sanctions.
Weekend and day exeat permissions are handled fairly.
Exeat permissions are based on the best interests of the student.
Parents are briefed and kept informed of safeguarding procedures relevant to boarding arrangements.

Safer Recruitment

Were your vetting checks complete before you commenced work or volunteering with the school? *
Has your vetting check been renewed within the past 3 years? *
Were you asked for references before being invited to volunteer or work in your role at the school? *
Do you know if references were followed up? *
Are you aware of anyone in the school who has not been appropriately vetted? *
Were you asked to complete a self-declaration (or equivalent) about previous convictions as part of the recruitment process? *
How was safeguarding incorporated within the recruitment process? *


The next set of questions focus on your understanding of safeguarding at Aiglon.

Do you understand what safeguarding means? *
Do you know who the Designated Safeguarding Leads are in the school? *
Have you read a copy of the Safeguarding handbook? *
Do you believe the Safeguarding handbook is easy to read? *
Have you read a copy of the Staff Code of Conduct? *
Do you believe the Staff Code of Conduct is easy to read? *
Have you read a copy of the Whistle Blowing Policy? *
Do you believe the Whistle Blowing Policy is easy to read? *
Have you read a copy of the IT Acceptable Use Policy? *
Do you believe the IT Acceptable Use Policy is easy to read? *
Have you read the school's other policies and guidelines? *
Do you understand how to manage a disclosure of abuse from a child, young person or adult at risk? *
Would you feel comfortable reporting misconduct in the workplace? *
Have you ever reported an incident of misconduct at Aiglon? *
During staff/team meetings, how often are you reminded about individual and team safeguarding requirements? *
When you started with the school, was there an induction process that included safeguarding training? *
Are you allowed time off to attend (or complete online) safeguarding training? *
As an employee or volunteer, has Aiglon College provided you access to the following forms of safeguarding training?

Online / e-learning *
Face-to-face *
Have you undertaken any of this safeguarding training? *
When did you last undertake the safeguarding training?

In the last.. *
Did the safeguarding training include information on the signs and symptoms of abuse? *
Did the safeguarding training include information on the importance of information sharing? *
Did the safeguarding training include information on the escalation of concerns? *
Have you received safeguarding training that was not provided by Aiglon College? *
When did you last undertake the safeguarding training?

In the last.. *


Do you know how to make an allegation of abuse or complaint about a member of staff / volunteer? *
To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements *
 Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeutral (neither agree or disagree)AgreeStrongly AgreeDon’t Know
I know where to find information to help my decision-making in relation to safeguarding.
Staff understand shared responsibility.
Staff act on their obligation to report inappropriate behaviour.
There is a professional and respectful working environment.
Staff can raise concerns about conduct without fear of reprisals.
I feel confident that I can recognise and respond appropriately to all safeguarding issues.
I feel confident that I am able to identify children, young people and adults at risk who would benefit from additional help and support.
I feel confident in helping a child make a disclosure of bullying.
I feel confident that I would follow the appropriate procedures to report an incident of bullying.
I am provided with opportunities to make children, young people and adults at risk aware of their right to be protected, consulted and treated with respect.
My line manager values my work.
The Senior Leadership Team values my work.
I feel safe amongst my colleagues.
A safeguarding culture is embedded in all staff practice.


Scenario 1: You are at a school event that students and their parents attend. In the corridor you notice a mother strike her 10 year-old male child across the face. The child cowers away from the mother and appears very timid in her presence. You also notice other bruises on the child’s neck and cheeks.

Do you believe this is a safeguarding issue? *
Do you feel confident that you would know the steps to take to report it? *
Scenario 2: You have noticed another member of staff acting inappropriately with some of the female staff and volunteers in the school, including making jokes about requesting sexual favours from them. These jokes are clearly making the others uncomfortable, but one staff member has said she doesn’t know what to do about it.

Do you believe this is a safeguarding issue?
Do you feel confident that you would know the steps to take to report it? *
Scenario 3:

On a school trip another member of staff tells you that a child disclosed to them that he is being sexually abused by his uncle. The member of staff is afraid to report this in case it affects the reputation of the school.

What do you do?