Peterborough Victims and Survivors Survey
This survey only applies to those who have suffered some form of church related abuse or harm within the Diocese of Peterborough or Peterborough Cathedral.
Background and Aims
INEQE Safeguarding Group are a team of safeguarding professionals conducting a series of independent audits into how different parts of the Church of England currently handle safeguarding concerns and how they now respond to victims and survivors.
The overall aim of the audits is to strengthen the Church’s safeguarding practices and the support they give to victims and survivors, ensuring that any reports of Church related abuse are responded to appropriately.
Your Participation
Thank you for considering participating in this survey. The questions are not designed to capture the details of your lived experience. They are constructed to provide an opportunity for you to share your views on current Church of England safeguarding practices and whether you think they have improved.
The audit will focus on the preceding 12 months. We are therefore interested in your feedback on the Church’s safeguarding improvement journey as well as any incidents referred to the diocese or cathedral during that period.
This survey is seeking your views if you are:
- over 18 years old now (not withstanding that the abuse you suffered may have occurred at an earlier time) and,
- someone who is a victim or survivor of some form of Church related abuse or harm within the Diocese of Peterborough or Peterborough Cathedral (at any time) or
- someone whose experience has been reported to and/or dealt with by the Diocese of Peterborough or Peterborough Cathedral in the last 12 months.
Our survey seeks to be informed by the voices of victims and survivors. Your input will be crucial in informing our judgment concerning progress and any further recommendations for change.
Completing the survey should take approximately 15 minutes. You can skip any questions you don’t want to answer, and you can exit the survey at any time. Please only complete the survey if you feel safe and comfortable to do so.
The survey is both anonymous and confidential. You will not be identified. This means that no personal data is requested or required. Please do not provide any personal data (for example, your name or address).
We will only share information you provide if what you tell us indicates a serious risk of harm.
View the Privacy Notice:
The below link lists organisations and services who may be able to offer you support, whether you are experiencing abuse now, or have done so in the past.
Click on followed by Information and support – Support and Services – Abuse support. This presents details of services and support options including:
- Samaritans
- Victim Support
- Help for Adult Victims of Child Abuse (HAVOCA)
- Support for Survivors
Independent Support Service – Safe Spaces
Safe Spaces is a free and independent support service providing a confidential, personal and safe space for anyone who has been abused through their relationship with either the Church of England, the Catholic Church of England and Wales or the Church in Wales. They offer a helpline, a live web chat and website.