Peterborough Victims and Survivors Survey

This survey only applies to those who have suffered some form of church related abuse or harm within the Diocese of Peterborough or Peterborough Cathedral.

Background and Aims

INEQE Safeguarding Group are a team of safeguarding professionals conducting a series of independent audits into how different parts of the Church of England currently handle safeguarding concerns and how they now respond to victims and survivors. 

The overall aim of the audits is to strengthen the Church’s safeguarding practices and the support they give to victims and survivors, ensuring that any reports of Church related abuse are responded to appropriately.

Your Participation

Thank you for considering participating in this survey. The questions are not designed to capture the details of your lived experience. They are constructed to provide an opportunity for you to share your views on current Church of England safeguarding practices and whether you think they have improved.


The audit will focus on the preceding 12 months. We are therefore interested in your feedback on the Church’s safeguarding improvement journey as well as any incidents referred to the diocese or cathedral during that period.  

 This survey is seeking your views if you are:

  • over 18 years old now (not withstanding that the abuse you suffered may have occurred at an earlier time) and,
  • someone who is a victim or survivor of some form of Church related abuse or harm within the Diocese of Peterborough or Peterborough Cathedral (at any time) or
  • someone whose experience has been reported to and/or dealt with by the Diocese of Peterborough or Peterborough Cathedral in the last 12 months.

Our survey seeks to be informed by the voices of victims and survivors. Your input will be crucial in informing our judgment concerning progress and any further recommendations for change.

Completing the survey should take approximately 15 minutes. You can skip any questions you don’t want to answer, and you can exit the survey at any time. Please only complete the survey if you feel safe and comfortable to do so. 


The survey is both anonymous and confidential. You will not be identified. This means that no personal data is requested or required. Please do not provide any personal data (for example, your name or address).

We will only share information you provide if what you tell us indicates a serious risk of harm.

View the Privacy Notice:

The below link lists organisations and services who may be able to offer you support, whether you are experiencing abuse now, or have done so in the past.

Click on followed by Information and support – Support and Services – Abuse support. This presents details of services and support options including:

  • Samaritans
  • Victim Support
  • Help for Adult Victims of Child Abuse (HAVOCA)
  • Support for Survivors

Independent Support Service – Safe Spaces

Safe Spaces is a free and independent support service providing a confidential, personal and safe space for anyone who has been abused through their relationship with either the Church of England, the Catholic Church of England and Wales or the Church in Wales. They offer a helpline, a live web chat and website.


About You

Please indicate which part of the Church the abuse or harm occurred: (Select all that apply)
Are you a victim/survivor of Church related abuse who has never reported what happened to you?
Please explain the reason for this. (Select all that apply)
Given the changes in support for victims and survivors, do you now feel that you may report in the future?
Are you someone whose experience has been reported to and/or dealt with by the Diocese of Peterborough or Peterborough Cathedral in the last 12 months?
To help place the survey in context, can you please tell us when the abuse occurred:

If you choose not to complete this question it will not be possible for the Audit to place your answer in the context of the church’s response to you when the abuse occurred.

Culture, Leadership and Capacity

Are you aware of the Church's ‘Responding Well to Victims and Survivor’s of Abuse Guidance'?
Do you believe that having this guidance in place at the time you reported your abuse could have made a difference?
Do you believe the implementation of this guidance can make a difference?


To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements:
 Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly AgreeDon't KnowN/A
I was aware of the Church's safeguarding policies and procedures before I reported my abuse/harm.
I felt empowered within the Church setting to share my experience.
I received appropriate support including signposting to external bodies.
My wellbeing and safety was a priority.
My disclosure(s) was treated confidentially.
There was a person-centric and trauma informed approach to my disclosure(s).
There was a swift response to my disclosure in ensuring there was no contact in the Church setting with the individual(s) subject to my report in the Church setting.
I believe the reputation of the Church is prioritised above safeguarding people.
I consider the current safeguarding arrangements are effective.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement:
 Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly AgreeDon't KnowN/A
Trauma informed approaches have now been embedded into the new Church safeguarding arrangements.

Please note: A trauma-informed approach ensures that the voice of victims and survivors is heard at all levels and measures are adopted to support them at all times.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements:
 Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly AgreeDon't KnowN/A
Victims' and survivors' voices are prioritised and considered when shaping safeguarding practices.
The Church invests in a healthy culture promoting safe spaces to disclose abuse.
There is investment in improving safeguarding practices.
The Church body is open to challenge in order to improve safeguarding practices.
I experienced collaboration between safeguarding teams and other internal departments.
I experienced collaboration between safeguarding teams and external agencies/safeguarding stakeholders. (e.g. social services, police, health professionals)
There is a culture of ‘truth to power’ where people are supported in raising safeguarding concerns to senior leaders.


To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements:
 Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly AgreeDon't KnowN/A
I am confident that leadership now engages and promotes listening to the voices of victims and survivors of abuse.
Designated Safeguarding leads/team take victims and survivors seriously when they report abuse.
Designated Safeguarding leads/team now provide a safe and supportive environment when victims and survivors make disclosures of abuse.
Designated Safeguarding leads/team listen carefully when victims and survivors express opinions and concerns.
Those in leadership roles should undergo additional training on responding to cases of abuse.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements:
 Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly AgreeDon't KnowN/A
My views were sought to improve safeguarding practices.
I can see how my feedback to leaders has led to a change in behaviour.
I can see how my feedback to leaders is reflected in safeguarding practices.
I can raise concerns about conduct without fear or reprisals.


To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements:

 Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly AgreeDon't KnowN/A
Disclosures are now dealt with in a timely manner.
Victims and survivors now have access to the safeguarding team 24/7.
Victims and survivors now receive ongoing and timely updates following disclosure.


For those currently engaged with the Church, to what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements:
 Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly AgreeDon't KnowN/A
I am confident the Church now takes preventative steps in tackling abuse.
Church meetings actively discuss safeguarding understanding and behaviour.
A range of good materials and methods are used to promote safeguarding for all audiences.
Good safeguarding practice is developed, adopted and shared.
Victims and survivors voices are considered in prevention planning.
There is clear messaging to raise awareness regarding different types of abuse.
Do you think the Church has improved its approach to engaging and supporting victims and survivors?

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements:

 Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly AgreeDon't KnowN/A
Safeguarding risk management is now a top priority for all Church activities.
I am aware of the safeguarding risks associated with the layout of the Church building.
There is now an opportunity for more information to be distributed to Church members/communities that would help protect themselves and others from potential risks.
Are there any other organisations or stakeholders the Church should include in collaborations regarding safeguarding?

Recognising, Assessing and Managing Risk

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements:

 Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly AgreeDon't KnowN/A
Safeguarding matters are now appropriately identified and communicated.
Safeguarding concerns and personal data are now recorded and shared in line with data protection/GDPR legislation.
Meeting arrangements, locations and correspondence methods between victims and survivors and the safeguarding team are now discussed to maximise safety arrangements, e.g. in cases of domestic abuse.
Support is now offered to others affected by the abuse experienced by victims and survivors (e.g. family members or the church community).
Effective safety plans are now created where someone in congregation represents a potential safeguarding risk.

If you reported your abuse within the last 12 months, to what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements:

 Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly AgreeDon't KnowN/A
The response to my disclosure met my personal needs.
The response to my disclosure has helped me with the healing process.
The response to my disclosure was trauma informed.
I would report a safeguarding issue if it happened again.
I would encourage a friend to report abuse if it happened to them.

Learning, Supervision and Support

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements:

 Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly AgreeDon't KnowN/A
The Church sought input from victims and survivors in developing or reviewing safeguarding policies.
I have seen positive changes or improvements in the Church’s handling of safeguarding issues within the last 12 months.
If you are still a member of the Church community, have you seen an increase in communications (both written and verbal) in the last 12 months regarding safeguarding practices?
Overall, has your experience with the safeguarding process within your Church setting in the last twelve months been better or worse than you expected?

This is the end of the survey. Thank you for your participation. 


Help and Support

If you are in danger call 999. To access support, please contact one of the support services displayed when you exit the survey.

Don't forget - if you or someone you know is in immediate danger, it is important that you quickly get the right help - call the police.

Remember: Participating in the audit is confidential. This means that we will treat any information you share sensitively.

PLEASE NOTE: The only time an individual’s confidential engagement with the audit might be breached would be in the event of a disclosure of suspected harm to a child, vulnerable adult or other criminal conduct. In such circumstances the information will only be shared with the appropriate statutory agency.