Survey for Peterborough Cathedral Worshipping Community

About INEQE Safeguarding Group

The INEQE Safeguarding Group is an independent company of safeguarding professionals.

We have been asked to carry out Audits of the Church of England to make sure dioceses, cathedrals and palaces are doing all they can to create an environment where everyone feels safe, valued and respected.

About This Survey

Listening to and learning from the worshipping community of Cathedrals  is an important part of the audit. Therefore, your participation in this survey is critically important.

This survey is both anonymous and confidential. You will not be identified. We encourage you to be open and honest.

We will only share information if what you tell us indicates a serious risk of harm.

You will have the opportunity to add more feedback at the end of the survey.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.  We value your input and what you tell us will help inform the recommendations of this safeguarding audit. The survey is divided into a number of sections and will take approximately 10 - 15 minutes to complete.

Please note questions marked with an asterick (*) are mandatory.

About You

What is your gender? *
What is your ethnic group? Choose one option that best describes your ethnic group or background. *
Age group *
How long have you attended the Cathedral? *
How often do you attend the Cathedral? *

Progress and Impact

The following questions seek to understand your views of the progress and improvement with safeguarding arrangements within the Cathedral.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements

In the last five years ...

Statement *
 Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly AgreeDon't KnowN/A
I have seen improvements in the overall safeguarding arrangements in the Cathedral.
I have seen improvements with raising the levels of awareness around safeguarding.
I have seen improvements with recognition of the importance of safeguarding.
I have seen improvements with the views of children and adults being heard.
I have seen improvements with how concerns are responded to and dealt with.

Culture, Leadership and Capacity

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements:
Statement *
 Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly AgreeDon't KnowN/A
I feel safe amongst others in the Cathedral.
I know who the safeguarding leads are within the Cathedral.
I am aware who to report safeguarding concerns to.
Leadership listen carefully when I express my opinions and concerns.
Safeguarding leads listen carefully when I express my opinions and concerns.
Leadership show compassion and a caring attitude towards children and adults.
Cathedral leaders act fairly and with integrity.
Cathedral leaders and safeguarding leads show respect for each other.
The Cathedral leadership values diversity.
I can raise concerns about conduct without fear of reprisals.
A safeguarding culture is now embedded throughout the Cathedral.
How would you describe the culture within the Cathedral? (Select the top three which apply) *


If you felt unsafe at a Cathedral activity, or harmed by someone representing the Cathedral or within the Cathedral, what would you be most likely to do? *
What would be your preferred way of letting an appropriate person know you felt unsafe or had been harmed? (select all that apply) *
Please answer the following questions: *
 RegularlySometimesRarelyNeverDon’t KnowN/A
How often has senior leadership or Clergy addressed the importance of safeguarding in written correspondence with staff, volunteers and worshippers?
How often has senior leadership or Clergy addressed the importance of safeguarding in sermons, public speaking engagements, on formal visits?

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements:

Statement *
 Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly AgreeDon't KnowN/A
I know where to locate relevant safeguarding policies for the Cathedral.
I am kept informed of relevant safeguarding procedures.
I believe it is everyone’s responsibility to report concerns.
I have confidence in the escalation process within the Cathedral.
I feel confident if I were to make a report, that personal friendships or conflicts of interests wouldn’t impact.

Recognising Assessing and Managing Risk

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements:

Statement *
 Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly AgreeDon't KnowN/A
I am aware of the Cathedral’s Privacy Notice in respect of Data Protection.
The Cathedral actively communicates its position on treating other people with dignity, respect, sensitivity and fairness.
The Cathedral communicates to children, young people and their parents / guardians about safeguarding.
Information about safeguarding is publicly displayed in the Cathedral.
I am confident I would know what to do if I was concerned about the behaviour of someone within the Cathedral.
Have you ever raised a safeguarding concern? *
Were you made aware of the outcome? *
Please read through these scenarios and answer the questions that follow.
Scenario 1: You are at an activity within the Cathedral and notice a mother strike her seven-year-old child across the face. The child cowers away from the mother and appears very timid in her presence. Do you believe this is a safeguarding issue? *
Do you feel confident that you would know who to report it to? *
Scenario 2: You have noticed a member of staff acting inappropriately with some of the female staff and volunteers, including making jokes about requesting sexual favours from them. These jokes are clearly making them uncomfortable. Do you believe this is a safeguarding issue? *
Do you feel confident you would know the steps to take to report it? *
Scenario 3: At a Church activity a volunteer tells you that a child disclosed to them that they were being sexually abused by their uncle. The volunteer is afraid to report this in case it makes the situation worse for the child. What do you do? *

Victims and Survivors

Understanding the experiences of victims and survivors is an important part of the Audit process.

If you are a victim or survivor, we would welcome your participation in a separate focused survey. To access and complete this please follow the instructions at the end of this survey.

Any other comments

Remember: contacting the Audit Team is confidential. This means that we will treat any information you share sensitively.

PLEASE NOTE: The only time an individual’s confidential engagement with the Audit Team might be breached would be in the event of a disclosure of suspected harm to a child, vulnerable adult or criminal conduct. In such circumstances the information will only be shared with the appropriate statutory agency.

Don't forget - if you or someone you know is in immediate danger, it is important that you quickly get the right help - call the police on 999.