Survey for Children and Young People within the Diocese of Peterborough

If you are under the age of 13, please complete this survey with the help of a parent / guardian.

About INEQE Safeguarding Group

The INEQE Safeguarding Group is an independent organisation of safeguarding professionals.

We have been asked to carry out audits (similar to a school inspection) of the Church of England dioceses and cathedrals to make sure they are doing all they can to create environments where everyone feels safe, valued and respected.

About This Survey

This survey is both anonymous and confidential. You will not be identified. We encourage you to be open and honest.

We will only share information if what you tell us indicates a serious risk of harm to someone.

Completing this survey will take approximately 10 minutes. You can skip any questions you don't want to answer, and you can exit the survey at any time.

You will have the opportunity to add more feedback at the end of the survey.

About You

What is your gender?

Please select which of the following activities you participate in at Church and how often you attend:

Please select which of the following activities you participate in at the Cathedral and how often you attend:

 DailyMore than once a weekWeeklyMonthlyOccasionallyNeverN/A
To attend choir practice
To attend a worship service
To attend a youth service e.g., Junior Church / Sunday School
To attend a youth organisation

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements:

 Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly AgreeDon’t KnowN/A
I feel safe at Church.
I feel supported by adults in the Church.
I can talk to an adult I trust at the Church if I feel uncomfortable, upset or worried.
I have been made aware of what to do if something makes me feel uncomfortable, upset or worried at the Church.
There are posters displayed in my Church informing people what to do if they feel uncomfortable, upset or worried about something.
I think I can trust the adults around me at the Church.
Adults in the Church listen to me.
My parents / guardians encourage me to attend youth activities.
 Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly AgreeDon’t KnowN/A
I feel safe at the Cathedral.
I feel supported by adults in the Cathedral.
I can talk to an adult I trust at the Cathedral if I feel uncomfortable, upset or worried.
I have been made aware of what to do if something makes me feel uncomfortable, upset or worried at the Cathedral.
There are posters displayed in the Cathedral informing people what to do if they feel uncomfortable, upset or worried about something.
I think I can trust the adults around me at the Cathedral.
Adults in the Cathedral listen to me.
My parents / guardians encourage me to attend youth activities.
Have you ever felt unsafe at the Church?
Have you ever felt unsafe at the Cathedral?
Pick the top 3 words which best describe how you feel at Church:
Pick the top 3 words which best describe how you feel at the Cathedral:

Remember: contacting the Audit Team is confidential. This means that we will treat any information you share sensitively. However, if you tell us something that makes us worry about the safety of any person, we will need to share it with people who can help (such as children’s social care or the police).

If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, it is important that you quickly get the right help - call the police on 999 and tell an adult you trust.