CampusROC Uber Voucher Request
CampusROC is thrilled that you're exploring Rochester, whether it's for a job, internship, career opportunity, or social event. Please provide the information below, and we'll be in touch shortly once your Uber request is approved.
Student Information
First Name
Last Name
Student Email Address:
High School Student
No affiliated College/University
Alfred University
Alfred State College
Rochester Institute of Technology
University of Rochester
State University College at Brockport
State University College at Geneseo
St. John Fisher University
Nazareth College
Hobart and William Smith Colleges
Keuka College
Roberts Wesleyan University
SUNY Empire State College
New York Chiropractic College
Medaille College
Northeastern Seminary
St. Bernard's School of Theology and Ministry
Colgate Rochester Crozer Divinity School
Monroe Community College
Genesee Community College
Finger Lakes Community College
Bryant & Stratton College
Residential Status:
I live on campus.
I live off campus.
Please upload a photo of your student ID:
Event Information
CampusROC offers Uber vouchers to Greater Rochester college students to attend interviews, career exploration opportunities, community service and select social events. Please specify which you're interested in attending.
Internship or Co-Op Interview
Job Interview
Career Exploration Opportunity
Social Event
Volunteer/Community Service
Please provide further details. What company are you interviewing with? What kind of career exploration opportunity are you interested in - open house, experiential learning, volunteer work? Where are you volunteering? Which social event are you referring to?
You can choose to upload any supporting documents such as an event flyer, social media post, interview request, etc. However, this is not mandatory.
Event address or location:
What day will you need the Uber voucher?
What time of day will you need the Uber voucher?
Julia Pagano
Talent Strategy and Program Manager
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