Building a Diverse and Inclusive Culture of Remembrance (DAICOR)

Building a Diverse and Inclusive Culture of Remembrance (DAICOR):

June 16 to July 1, 2021: Professional Exchange; Part I (6 hours per week)*

July 20 to August 4, 2021: Professional Exchange; Part II (6 hours per week)*

(Exact dates will be announced)

Building a Diverse and Inclusive Culture of Remembrance (DAICOR) is a reciprocal transatlantic exchange program for individuals with a professional interest in the promotion of an inclusive and progressive culture of remembrance in public spaces in Germany and the United States. DAICOR will build a new transatlantic network of experts in this field and will be implemented in two cohorts (2021 and 2022).

Each year, the program will bring together 16 individuals over the course of two joint exchanges, to explore how diversity, equity and inclusion are currently being implemented in the memorial cultures in the U.S. and Germany.

Participants will explore how the public space can be reimagined to reflect more diverse and culturally tolerant remembrances, while comparing lessons learned and best practices from each country’s past and current efforts. By the end of the program, participants will be able to devise a practical approach, campaign, or action plan that further contributes to an inclusive and tolerant culture of remembrance.

DAICOR is a joint program by Cultural Vistas and the Heinrich Böll Stiftung Washington DC, and is supported by the Transatlantic Program of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy.

The program language is English.


Event Details:

  • Event: Building a Diverse and Inclusive Culture of Remembrance (DAICOR)
  • Dates Professional Exchange Part I (6 hours per week): June 16 to July 1, 2021
  • Dates Professional Exchange Part II (6 hours per week): July 20 to August 4, 2021
  • Meeting Times USA, West Coast: 8am – 10am
  • Meeting Times USA, East Coast: 11am – 1pm
  • Meeting Times Germany: 5pm – 7pm
  • Venue: Zoom Platform (zoom links will be provided by Cultural Vistas)
  • Capacity: 16 people
  • All participants will be granted a stipend of up to 1,000 USD from the Heinrich Böll Stiftung Washington, DC upon successful completion of the program to further their work in the area of progessive memorial culture.
  • Language: English

Application Deadline: Sunday, May 02, 2021, 11:59pm CET 

All required fields in this application must be answered completely.


* Participation in both parts of the program is mandatory.


Applications are being accepted from:

  • Individuals with a proven professional interest in the promotion of an inclusive and progressive culture of remembrance in public spaces in Germany and the United States (historians, curators, artists, political advisors, academic researchers, etc.)
  • Staff of organizations that focus on progressive approaches to remembrance culture in public spaces (e.g. civil society organizations, grassroots movements, museums, universities, etc.)
  • Practitioners and artists with demonstrated experience in implementing projects that further inclusive practices in public spaces
Please note: Participants do not need to be citizens of Germany or the United States, nor permanent residents of either country, but must have professional work experience in the promotion of an inclusive and progressive culture of remembrance in one of the countries.

Application Directions

1. Prepare electronic versions of the following items; you will upload them at the end of this application:

Current C.V. or Resume (Limit 2 pages, Word Document or PDF format)

- Scan of Biographical page of Passport or other government issued I.D.

2. Complete this form in entirety including the essay questions.

3. Upload the required documents

4. Review and agree to program terms and conditions

5. Submit 

**Please note that once started, the application is only saved upon full submission. Should you wish to print a copy of your application, please do so prior to submitting. It is recommended that applicants have all required documents (resumes, written materials, etc.) ready and in Word Document or PDF formats prior to begining the application. No other format types are supported and any materials submitted in other formats will not be accepted, deeming the application incomplete. Incomplete applications will not be processed.

Personal Information

Provide your full name AS It APPEARS IN YOUR PASSPORT (*Information below must match your passport or other government-issued ID*)

Biographical Information

Gender *
Please list your Country of Residency
Please list your Country of Expertise in the targeted field. (E.g. If you are working in a German museum, your country of expertise is Germany.)

Current Contact Address

Home Address (if different from current address)

Professional Experience

Provide most relevant work experience in the targeted field.

Do you use English in your professional settings? *

Unpaid internship or volunteer experience:

International Experience

Do you have any previous experience working in another country (besides your home country)? *

Program Information

Emergency Contact Information

Please give the name and contact information of a spouse, relative and/or close friend which Cultural Vistas can contact in case of an emergency in which we cannot reach you.

Essay Questions

0/500 words
0/500 words
0/500 words

Supporting Documents

Please upload the following documents:

Program Terms and Conditions

Read and check each statement below to indicate agreement:

I hereby agree to the following terms and conditions:
If you have any questions about these program conditions, program details, or need assistance submitting an application, please contact Cultural Vistas at   

Application Deadline: Sunday, 02 May 2021, 11:59pm CET 
If you encounter any problems or have any questions, please e-mail Cultural Vistas at

Cultural Vistas - Washington, D.C. Office
1250 H Street, NW, Suite 300
Washington, D.C. 20005