Maintenance Project Notification

Many issues require an onsite point of contact and/or Board authorization to make needed repairs. Coastal Association Services, Inc. strives to assist in addressing all HOA issues in a timely and efficient manner. To achieve this goal, please provide the information as indicated.

Three Vendor Bids

*Issues requiring three bids, must have copies of all three bids uploaded or provided with work order. Coastal may have phone numbers of vendors the Board can contact, as they work to acquire bids.

*All submitted bids must be complete. Coastal will not negotiate, renegotiate, or request vendors to "add on" services to existing bids.

*The board is required to inspect work during and after services are rendered.

HOA laws require Boards to show due diligence for unbudgeted or large expenses by seeking and providing three independent bids for service.
Please select one: *

Vendor / Bid Selected By The Board To Perform Requested Work

Work To Be Scheduled By Board:

Vendor Payment

Advance Payment or Deposit Required: *

Funds To Be Allocated From: *

Terms and Agreement:
By typing the two Board Member's names authortizing this request, you are indicating that the two Board Members have discussed this matter and are in agreement.

***HOA Boards with FIVE Board Members require special consideration. Please indicate a THIRD Board Member authorization below.***

This form may be mailed, faxed, or electronically submitted
970 West Valley Parkway #651, Escondido CA 92025
Phone: 760-749-4400  Fax: 760-749-4004
Any fraudulent use of forms resulting in a monetary disbursement, loss, and/or fees will be absorbed by the HOA. Anyone found to be transmitting forms fraudulently will be penalized to the maximum extent allowed by law.